
In all engineering disciplines a combination of digital and physical models is necessary to support the progression of the design process, with each model and iteration thereof generating new understanding and knowledge to inform decision-making.
A huge amount of work goes into managing these models, transferring between the physical and digital worlds, updating designs, and trying to align the information that each model and prototype provides.
But imagine instead that all models were intelligently linked across the digital and physical worlds. Where design changes in any model automatically update the others. Where test results are automatically shared and integrated wherever they are most useful. Where the physical world and digital world in engineering grow together and take the best of both, with no need for systems or work to bridge the gap between.
Prototwinning is a 5-year program in which we are seeking to develop the next generation of fully integrated digital / physical models and systems, facilitating seamless transition between them.
Prototwinning Projects
Recent Prototwinning Posts
Attending the 30th ICCES 2024 Conference in Singapore
The 30th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Science (ICCES2024) was held from August 3 to 6, 2024, in Singapore. […]
Presenting at ICMR24
Aman Kukreja, Christopher Cox and James Gopsill attend and present at the International Conference on Manufacturing Research 2024.
DMF Attends DCC ’24 in Montreal
Design Spaces Workshop On Saturday, a workshop was held about design spaces, exploring what they are and how they differ from solution […]
Visit to Virginia Tech
Earlier in July I was fortunate to go and visit Virginia Tech in the US at the invitation of Associate Professor Tripp […]
Is Seeing Believing? Investigating the influence and interplay of physical and virtual traits on the user perception of Mixed Reality prototypes.
Is Seeing Believing? Investigating the influence and interplay of physical and virtual traits on the user perception of Mixed Reality prototypes. There […]
Presenting at Transdisciplinary Engineering 2024 (TE2024)
James Gopsill presented his paper on Distributed Additive Manufacturing at TE2024.
TURA investigators visit Bristol
From the 21st to the 24th June, I was very glad to host some of the co-investigators (Dr. Aleksandra Kristikj, Dr Giacomo […]
Papers accepted to TE2024 & ICMR24
The RiR with the Digital Cataput has produced a couple of papers to articulate the benefits of AIgent supply chains.
DMF Lab at the Design Conference 2024
DMF Lab at the Design Conference 2024 Ten members of DMF Lab recently returned from a successful trip to the 18th International […]