Five of the team (Chris, David, Harry, Lee and Mark) attended ICED2019 at TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands. 3 papers were presented, along with a marketplace demonstration, that were all well received.
The theme of the conference was “Responsible design for our future”, with several keynotes highlighting how researchers and wider industry are key stakeholders in providing a sustainable future. The first day involved attendance at several specialist interest groups and developed relationships with colleagues.
On the second day Chris presented work by David Mathias on hybrid prototyping entitled “Hybrid Prototyping: Pure Theory or a Practical Solution to Accelerating Prototyping Tasks?”. On the same day, David presented his work on digital twins which drew significant attention from those at the conference – availble here.

Wednesday saw Lee present a technolgy demonstrator at the “marketplace” – several stands and demonstrations of new technolgy, tools and methods that are hoped at leading to future contributions in conferences and journals.
Finally, Mark presented his and Lee’s work on the different methods to democratise design. Again, the presentation was well attended and sparked an interesting discussion of ideas around the future of democratisation which will hopefully lead to exciting opportunities in the future.

The whole team really enjoyed visiting Delft and found the conference hosted by TU Delft a very useful experience. A big thank you to the whole of the organising committee, and we look forward to ICED2021!