30th July 202430th July 2024By Mark Goudswaard Visit to Virginia Tech Earlier in July I was fortunate to go and visit Virginia Tech in the US at the invitation of Associate Professor Tripp […]
28th June 202421st January 2025By Mark GoudswaardTURA TURA investigators visit Bristol From the 21st to the 24th June, I was very glad to host some of the co-investigators (Dr. Aleksandra Kristikj, Dr Giacomo […]
9th February 20249th February 2024By Mark Goudswaard Smart Human Centred Design The DMF lab are excited to be embarking on research in the new application area of Smart human-centred design. Work in this […]
5th December 20235th December 2023By Mark GoudswaardDesign Cognition DMF lab hosts Dr Tripp Shealy for invited talk on Design Cognition In November the DMF lab hosted Dr Tripp Shealy – an associate Professor from Virginia Tech currently undertaking a visiting position at […]
4th December 20234th December 2023By Mark GoudswaardDesign Cognition Visit to University of Strathclyde to present the Physical Digital Affordance Index In late November I travelled up to the University of Strathclyde to give a talk on the Physical Digital Affordance Index – […]
9th November 20239th November 2023By Mark GoudswaardDesign Cognition, Digital Catapult, Physical Digital Affordance Index, Researcher in Residence The physical-digital affordance index @ cross-catapult design event In Spring 2023 I found out that I was successful in my application to the Researcher in Residence programme to develop the […]
3rd November 202321st January 2025By Mark GoudswaardUrban Agriculture UK-Colombia collaboration and WUN bid submission I returned to visit la Universidad de Los Andes (Uniandes) in August this year after a pandemic induced hiatus. Prior to 2020, […]
6th June 20236th June 2023By Mark GoudswaardCubeSat, Design Challenge, Design Study, Digital-Physical Twinning, Hackathon, IDEA challenge IDEA challenge 2023 The IDEA challenge returned in May 2023 for its third iteration! This time it was hosted by the University of Zagreb and […]
5th June 202321st January 2025By Mark GoudswaardCollaboration, Design Cognition, Design neurocognition, FNIRS, NTNU, Pump Priming, Research Visit Research visit to NTNU for FNIRS design cognition experiments In April, thanks to Pump Priming funding from the faculty and the Research Staff Development Fund, Mark and Adam travelled to the […]
13th December 202213th December 2022By Mark Goudswaard DMF Host TrollLabs from NTNU We at the DMF lab hosted TrollLabs – a research group from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) at the […]