2nd November 20212nd November 2021By Chris CoxCFMS, Project: DETI UoB engineering students learn how to develop Digital Twins for products and production facilities Two groups of final year Mechanical Engineering students at the University of Bristol spent the first half of 2021 working on Digital […]
4th October 202126th October 2021By James GopsillCFMS, Project: DETI DETI EC5.1 – Digital Thread: Phase Two Report Released The second of three reports as part of EC5.1 has been released by DETI and concerns the reported practice in the Digitial Thread.
23rd September 202121st January 2025By Chris CoxCFMS, Chris Cox, Project: DETI Demystifying Digital “X” – ICED Conference Paper The DMF lab recently (remotely) attended the International Conference of Engineering Design (ICED) 2021 to present seven papers. One of these, authored […]
26th February 202126th October 2021By James GopsillCFMS, Project: DETI DETI EC5.1 – Digital Thread: Phase One Report Released The first of three reports as part of EC5.1 has been released by DETI and concerns the definition of the Digitial Thread.