Problem Many people in the world face additional challenges created by limited mobility, physical, or mental impairment. These can make challenges of […]
Problem The Hackspace, once exclusively synonymous with electronics and model airplane enthusiasts, has grown to become a globally acknowledged hub for social […]
University buildings (like many other buildings throughout our cities) have many hundreds of users every day, all needing to move through and access a variety of different spaces, each with their own locks and access controls. In a world of social distancing, we need to think about how people move through buildings and access spaces efficiently, while preventing bottlenecks, minimising transmission risks, and still allowing important security and access controls to stay in place.
Several industries have been moving to a working environment involving hot desking. In a post-lockdown, COVID-19 world this poses potential issues with social distancing and transmission paths. This challenge asks how hot desking can be made possible whilst also trying to contain the transmission of COVID-19.