New journal paper: Model-Based Information Navigation for Engineering Documents

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I’ve finally gotten around to publishing my PhD work in the Computers in Industry journal: Model-based information navigation provides a three-dimensional user interface (based on the product CAD model) as an interface to a search engine. Given engineers think visually and functionally and search engines are traditionally text based, the premise behind this work […]

New Publication Alert! Characterising the Digital Twin: A systematic literature review

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Some of the work undertaken as part of the protoTwinning project involved an in depth understanding of the Digital Twin such that the project could determine the appropriateness of the paradigm to early stage design and prototyping activities. The paper is the result of a systematic literature review into existing publications and contributes to the […]

NTNU Troll Labs Visit

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We started March 2020 with a quick visit the guys at Troll Labs at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway. It was a massively productive visit. Troll Labs have a number of past and present research projects that align nicely to the DMF-Lab and the protoTwinning project, specifically the capture of […]

Lee takes CityBlocks to the Bristol Housing Festival

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Building on the success of last year, Lee has rolled out the next generation of CityBlocks at the Bristol Housing Festival, with support from Arup . This year tasked with enabling community input to the redevelopment of Spike Island, Bristol. Lee jumped to the challenge. Now armed with some snazzy new light boxes, real-time design […]

Measure me this! Evaluating metrology solutions for the digital capture of evolving prototypes.

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by David Jones and Owen Freeman Gebler As part of the ProtoTwinning project (, we are evaluating metrology methods for digitally capturing evolving prototypes. We are currently experimenting with the Einscan Pro+ (, photogrammetry using Agisoft MetaShape (, and the FARO Arm ( It’s early days but see below for where we are. Einscan Pro+ […]

New paper – Mixed Reality Tools as an Enabler for Improving Operation and Maintenance in Small and Medium Enterprises

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Harry Whiskard, a former Research Assistant at the DMF Lab will be presenting the Lab’s work with Altuity Solutions Ltd at the 15th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management on the 1-4 July 2018, Torino, Italy. The paper discusses the emerging mixed reality tools and their applicability in the operation and maintenance management of buildings. […]

New paper – The Design of Visual Information Objects in Three-Dimensional Virtual Environments for Engineering Information Navigation

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Presented at the DESIGN 2018 15th International Design Conference in Croatia, the latest paper from the Model-Based Information Navigation project described the design of a number of Visual Information Objects – markers that identify the presence of information within the three-dimensional virtual environment. Below are a number of animated gifs showing the designed markers. Users […]