2nd September 20243rd September 2024By James GopsillProject: Brokering Additive Manufacturing Presenting at ICMR24 Aman Kukreja, Christopher Cox and James Gopsill attend and present at the International Conference on Manufacturing Research 2024.
9th July 20249th July 2024By James GopsillProject: Brokering Additive Manufacturing Presenting at Transdisciplinary Engineering 2024 (TE2024) James Gopsill presented his paper on Distributed Additive Manufacturing at TE2024.
20th June 202420th June 2024By James Gopsill Papers accepted to TE2024 & ICMR24 The RiR with the Digital Cataput has produced a couple of papers to articulate the benefits of AIgent supply chains.
5th June 202420th June 2024By James Gopsill CIRP DESIGN 2024 Digital Twins and Design for Many Manufacture at CIRP DESIGN 2024
16th May 202420th June 2024By James Gopsill Expression of Interest Submitted to the UKRI Accelerating Research Outcomes call Significant progress continues to be made on the RiR and has resulted in the submission of an EoI to the UKRI Accelerating Research Outcomes call
27th March 202414th March 2025By James GopsillDesign Researchers-in-Residence Researchers in Residence The UKRI Innovation Launchpad: Researcher-in-Residence promotes academic engagement and is designed to enable researchers to work with the Catapults, […]
13th March 202420th June 2024By James Gopsill Exhibiting at the DSCH Supply Chain Event Showcasing the future of work with AIgent operated supply chains.
1st February 202420th June 2024By James Gopsill Kick-Off Meeting with Digital Catapult Today is the start of my Researcher-in-Residence project.
9th March 202320th June 2024By James GopsillProject: Brokering Additive Manufacturing Crossref Client referenced in Crossref Documentation We opensourced our crossref API client written in Typescript and it has been referenced in the CrossRef documentation.
1st February 20231st February 2023By James GopsillProject: Brokering Additive Manufacturing Scaling up BAM In this post, we discuss the computational requirements in scaling up an agent-based manufacturing service.