From concept to cloud: Demystifying the Digital Twin Journey (Blog 1)

The concept of the Digital Twin continues to receive a mixed reception when it is raised in...

Attending the 30th ICCES 2024 Conference in Singapore

The 30th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Science...

Presenting at ICMR24

Aman Kukreja, Christopher Cox and James Gopsill attend and present at the International Conference...

DMF Attends DCC ’24 in Montreal

Design Spaces Workshop On Saturday, a workshop was held about design spaces, exploring what they are...

Visit to Virginia Tech

Earlier in July I was fortunate to go and visit Virginia Tech in the US at the invitation of...

Presenting at Transdisciplinary Engineering 2024 (TE2024)

James Gopsill presented his paper on Distributed Additive Manufacturing at TE2024...

TURA investigators visit Bristol

From the 21st to the 24th June, I was very glad to host some of the co-investigators (Dr. Aleksandra...

Papers accepted to TE2024 & ICMR24

The RiR with the Digital Cataput has produced a couple of papers to articulate the benefits of...