10th May 202121st January 2025By Mark Goudswaardcovid19, Project clean access, Project Clean Access news, Proyecto Intermedio, Uniandes, Vaccine Distribution Vaccine Distribution Solutions in collaboration with La Universidad de Los Andes The Project Clean Access team are working in collaboration with La Universidad de Los Andes in Bogota to develop innovative cold-storage distribution […]
26th March 202121st January 2025By Harry White3D printing, counter, covid19, mechanical, occupancy, PCA, Project clean access, Project Clean Access Designs, Project Clean Access news Mechanical occupancy counter – 3D printed Limiting the number of people inside a shop or venue can help to maintain social distancing. This 3D printed mechanical counter can […]
28th January 202121st January 2025By Chris Coxcovid19, glasses, Project Clean Access Designs, social distancing Social Distancing Glasses Introduced as a measure to prevent the transmission of contagious disease, social distancing, or the act of maintaining a physical distance from […]