Project Clean Access is a platform for understanding the global challenges we face in transitioning from lockdown, and developing a crowd-sourced toolkit that can address them. To find out more about the project, view current challenges, propose a challenge of your own or submit a solution please follow the relevant links below.

Project Clean Access

A crowd-sourced toolkit to safely transition society out of lockdown.

With thanks to the University of Bristol and Royal Academy of Engineering for their support.

Logos for the Royal Academy of Engineering and the University of Bristol

It is becoming apparent that the exit strategy and transition from lockdown to a more ‘normal’ way of life is not straightforward. It is self-evident that both behavioural and system interventions are required to facilitate the transition and eventual relaxation of social-distancing measures while ensuring that transmission is minimised and a second or third wave of the pandemic is avoided. To help with this global effort we propose that these behavioural changes can be supported by a toolkit of simple low-cost technological interventions that can facilitate society’s gradual return to normal life.

The principles of Project Clean Access are to complement the core regimes of handwashing , cleaning and PPE through the design of a low-cost easy-to-use toolkit for:

  • reducing and, where possible, eliminating unnecessary contact points/surfaces in work places, essential service and public environments;
  • helping us to meet physical distancing requirements;
  • reinforcing and embedding ‘good practice; and,
  • making the transition as positive an experience as possible for all, e.g. engaging children.

Project Clean Access is administered by members of the DMF lab, including Ben, Chris, Harry, Ric and Mark. Feel free to contact us directly or use the program email address – we will get back to you ASAP – all feedback/suggestions welcomed.

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All enquiries, submissions and thoughts about the project are welcomed and should be sent to (or just click the button below!).

Remember, all our designs (and the published challenge submissions) are available via our github: