OurLab - Mixed Reality Lab Designer

A user building a lab space with a mixed reality toolkit.

This project demonstrates the feasibility of embedding requirements into a mixed reality platform by integrating rule-based constraints, allowing users to design a space and immediately know the impact of changes as they make them. 

The platform, OurLab, integrates a range of mixed reality technologies and systems such as hand tracking, fiducial markers, and a tangible user interface. By moving physical, tracked objects around, a designer can explore potential lab configuration solutions that comply to given requirements. The platform analyses the design as it is occuring and reflects requirement compliance in real-time to the user.

This platform is currently being evaluated through user studies, looking at how different fidelities of visualisation immediate feedback can impact a design process, for better or worse.


Lee Kent

Lee Kent

Research Engineer

Chris Snider


Ben Hicks

Professor, Director

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