NTNU Troll Labs Visit

We started March 2020 with a quick visit the guys at Troll Labs at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway.

It was a massively productive visit. Troll Labs have a number of past and present research projects that align nicely to the DMF-Lab and the protoTwinning project, specifically the capture of evolving prototypes through their ProtoBooth project, and the object detection in images of prototypes. Working alongside Troll Labs, sharing data sets, ideas and expertise, our next steps will be to pick up and run with some of this work. Keep an eye out for Pro2Booth, the DMF-Lab evolution of ProtoBooth and work in the area of automatic Bill-Of-Materials detection using machine learning image analysis.

For more on Troll Labs visit their website and as always, keep an eye on the DMF-Lab website for updates on our work.

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