
At the DMF lab we collaborate with a wide range of partners, including design agencies through to manufacturers and professional institutions. Over the last few years we have developed longer term collaborative programs with CFMS, GKN, Autodesk and Amalgam Model Makers (Mike Harvey is now an industry fellow).

We are always keen to develop and explore new opportunities. If you are interested in any collaboration or longer term partnerships please get in touch with us through our “People” page.

Our current collaborators and funders

Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre Logo
Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre
Altuity Logo
Autodesk Logo
Centre for Modelling and Simulation
Digital Catapult Logo
Digital Catapult
Engineering and Pysical Sciences Research Council
GKN Logo
Innovate UK Logo
Innovate UK
Kinneir Dufort Logo
Kinnier Dufort
Moulton Bicycle Company
National Composites Centre Logo
National Composites Centre
Royal Academy of Engineering Logo
Royal Academy of Engineering
The Product Partnership Logo
The Product Partnership
Vantage Power Logo
Vantage Power