Harry White

Harry White MEng

Harry is a Research Engineer currently working on Project Clean Access.

His research interests include: Design for distributed manufacturing, rapid prototyping, and crowd-sourced solutions to engineering challenges.

Harry graduated from the University of Bristol in 2020, has previously worked at Dyson and will be joining Transport for London in April 2021.

Recent Posts

  • Mechanical occupancy counter – 3D printed - Limiting the number of people inside a shop or venue can help to maintain social distancing. This 3D printed mechanical counter can be placed in the doorway of a shop or other venue to count the number of people inside. The parts list, instructions, and 3D files to build your… Read More
  • Ultrasonic occupancy counter with Arduino and HC-SR04 - Limiting the number of people inside a shop or venue can help to maintain social distancing. This simple Arduino project can be placed in the doorway of a shop or other venue to count the number of people inside. The parts list, instructions, and code for building your own counter… Read More
  • Android app coming soon! - An exciting project that we've been working on will release in the next few weeks. Similar to our recent Arduino project, the app will alert the user if they are speaking too loudly. Stay tuned for the release! UPDATE: The app has been released, visit the small talk page for… Read More
  • Voice Loudness Monitor – Instructable - A paper from 2019 found that speaking with a louder voice creates more aerosolised viral particles [Asadi et al. 2019]. This simple Arduino project reminds people to not shout unnecessarily. It could be used in classrooms, meeting rooms or any other setting where people are talking. The equipment list, instructions… Read More
  • SARS-Cov-2 Transmission Literature Review - Project Clean Access is about providing scientifically backed solutions to help create a safer environment. This literature review focused on gathering evidence of the different modes of transmission, as well as data on how successful various intervention measures have been. The following video summarises the key findings from the literature… Read More