Clean Access Challenge 5: Contact Free Cash


Money, in the form of both notes and coins, provides contact surfaces that can be shared by many people in a short space of time. Whilst transmission via cash hasn’t been delineated, some banks around the world are taking steps to disinfect cash to ensure that it’s coronavirus free (see here).

In order to mitigate the risk of virus transmission through cash-handling, it is necessary for interventions to be implemented that can allow businesses and their customers to safely carry out monetary transactions.

Design Brief

Develop a tool, toolkit or process that can enable cash transactions to be carried out safely. This could be achieved by reducing and/or eliminating person to person contact with cash, disinfecting cash before it is distributed or ensuring that hand washing occurs after cash-handling.

General Guidelines

Remember, all solutions should follow the guidelines below.

Solutions need to embody the values of project clean access and, if they’re to be manufactured, should ideally follow the following design guidelines:

  • Seal away the transmission site – all devices should in some way enclose or seal away the parts that make contact with potential transmission sites.
  • Be simple, robust, cheap to make and use.
  • Either:
    • make use of common household or workplace items as part of the device, to save on cost and increase accessibility to all. For example, pens and USB sticks with lids to operate access devices and seal away transmission sites.
    • OR be manufacturable by locally available technologies

Submission Guidelines

To be efficient with your time and to reduce the burden of paperwork our submission guidelines are as light-weight as possible, including a short overview/description, details of use, and the all important CAD/CAM models. We encourage the use of photographs and images and just enough information to present the design, its installation and operation. Given this, contributions should be a simple email adhering to the following minimum submission guidelines:

  • Provide enough information to describe the design (purpose, typical applications, etc), ideally in the form or a short written summary.
  • Contain instruction / guidance for use, ideally in the form of photos or videos.
  • If to be digitally manufactured, CAM tractable files be provided for reproduction (eg STLs for 3D printing) and CAD tractable files (STEP or IGES) so designs can be customised or further developed if necessary.

All published designs will be made open access and shared with the global community to aid transition to normality post lockdown.  By participating in the Clean Access Challenge you consent to the terms of creative commons license CC BY 4.0.

Get involved

If you would like to get involved, get more information, or submit your own ideas for our design repository, send us an email at

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