Clean Access Challenge 6: Shared Toilets

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Problem As our schools, universities, offices and workplaces are adapted to life with coronavirus, facilities such as bathrooms will also need to be amended in two main ways. First, to ensure social distancing protocols are adhered to, and second, to reduce the risk of virus transmission via numerous shared contact surfaces. These need to be […]

DMF Lab visiting research partners in Colombia

Posted Leave a commentPosted in Democratisation of Design, Projects, Recycled Waste 3D Printing

In December I visited current and potential research partners in Colombia.  The main purpose of the visit was to explore research overlap between the DMF lab and La Universidad de los Andes in Bogota in areas related to the democratisation of design (the theme of my doctoral research) and also wider research areas for future […]

DMF Lab at the Transdisciplinary Engineering Conference in Modena

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Earlier this month Prof Aydin Nassehi and Mark Goudswaard travelled to Modena in Italy for the 25th International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering. Prof Nassehi, in conjunction with Prof Linda Newnes from Bath, ran a workshop exploring how Transdisciplinary Engineering will influence the future roles and requirements of design engineers.  Mark presented a paper  which explored […]

Democratising Design for Additive Manufacture

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3D printing has the potential to revolutionise the way we consume goods. The technology should be able to facilitate low-cost, personal manufacture but complex design software and a lack technical knowledge prevent this from happening. Without the ability to generate or amend digital models it is impossible to reap the benefits offered by 3D printing. […]