Project Lead: Peter Rosso Engineering environment uses editable and convenient geometric models for solid representation. However, industries with long-life products still store […]
Model Based Information Navigation Our industrial partners on the project, The Airbus Group’s Knowledge Management team, tasked us with improving access to […]
Democratisation of Design Project Lead: Mark Goudswaard Current means of manufacturing are bad for people and planet. Additive manufacturing technologies can enable low […]
Modular Prototyping Project Lead: David Mathias Using physical objects when prototyping has enormous benefits and affords tangibility and presence that are lacking […]
Using physical objects when prototyping has enormous benefits and affords tangibility and presence that are lacking from digital files. However creating prototypes […]
3D printing has the potential to revolutionise the way we consume goods. The technology should be able to facilitate low-cost, personal manufacture […]
Owen Freeman Gebler MEng MIET Owen is a research engineer (EngD) working on applications of condition monitoring techniques to rotating machines to […]