
Presenting at Transdisciplinary Engineering 2024 (TE2024)

James Gopsill presented his paper on Distributed Additive Manufacturing at TE2024...

TURA investigators visit Bristol

From the 21st to the 24th June, I was very glad to host some of the co-investigators (Dr. Aleksandra...

Papers accepted to TE2024 & ICMR24

The RiR with the Digital Cataput has produced a couple of papers to articulate the benefits of...

DMF Lab at the Design Conference 2024

DMF Lab at the Design Conference 2024 Ten members of DMF Lab recently returned from a successful...


Digital Twins and Design for Many Manufacture at CIRP DESIGN 2024...

Expression of Interest Submitted to the UKRI Accelerating Research Outcomes call

Significant progress continues to be made on the RiR and has resulted in the submission of an EoI to...

We are recruiting participants for an experiment!

Edit: Recruitment is now closed. Thanks to all that have participated! We are recruiting...

Exhibiting at the DSCH Supply Chain Event

Showcasing the future of work with AIgent operated supply chains...

Smart Human Centred Design

The DMF lab are excited to be embarking on research in the new application area of Smart...

Kick-Off Meeting with Digital Catapult

Today is the start of my Researcher-in-Residence project...

DMF lab hosts Dr Tripp Shealy for invited talk on Design Cognition

In November the DMF lab hosted Dr Tripp Shealy – an associate Professor from Virginia Tech...

Visit to University of Strathclyde to present the Physical Digital Affordance Index

In late November I travelled up to the University of Strathclyde to give a talk on the Physical...

Unlocking Design Potential: The Power of Mixed Fidelity, Mixed Reality Prototypes

Mixed Reality (MR) technologies have emerged as potential game-changers in the design landscape...

The physical-digital affordance index @ cross-catapult design event

In Spring 2023 I found out that I was successful in my application to the Researcher in Residence...

UK-Colombia collaboration and WUN bid submission

I returned to visit la Universidad de Los Andes (Uniandes) in August this year after a pandemic...

Tracking 3D prototypes in real-time

Written by Michael Wyrley-Birch, one of our excellent summer interns. Over the past few weeks, I...

What are Haptics? How do they work?

Written by Mike Wharton, one of our excellent summer interns. I’m now about a third of the way...

The DMF at ICED 2023: Papers, papers, and more papers!

The DMF lab had their usual strong showing at the major conference for the research field last week...

21st Century Prototyping exhibit at ICED 2023

Setting the stage to show the community our technical capabilities and upcoming research, this week...

IDEA challenge 2023

The IDEA challenge returned in May 2023 for its third iteration! This time it was hosted by the...

Welcome to our Summer Interns!

This year we’re lucky enough to have three summer interns working with us on the 21st Century...

Research visit to NTNU for FNIRS design cognition experiments

In April, thanks to Pump Priming funding from the faculty and the Research Staff Development Fund...

21st Century Prototyping at the ProSquared Network+ Launch

This week Chris and the team joined the launch event for the new ProSquared Network on the...

Crossref Client referenced in Crossref Documentation

We opensourced our crossref API client written in Typescript and it has been referenced in the...

Scaling up BAM

In this post, we discuss the computational requirements in scaling up an agent-based manufacturing...

Truth, Lies and Digital Twins series is now available on YouTube!

As part of a keynote presentation I was asked to talk about digital twins with particular attention...

Creating a low cost CO2 sensor

During the covid pandemic, occupancy in rooms had to be kept to a minimum. It can be difficult to...

Redesigning an open source PCR machine

As part of project clean access, we wanted to establish what the response of the maker community had...

DMF Host TrollLabs from NTNU

We at the DMF lab hosted TrollLabs – a research group from the Norwegian University of Science...

DMF contribute to Digital Leaders

Prof Ben from the lab joined colleagues from Exeter and Sheffield universities to discuss the future...

DMF Lab @ FormNext 2022

The DMF lab have just returned from FormNext 2022. What an amazing showcase of AM capability. Read...

Preparing for FormNext 2022

The DMF lab are busy preparing the stand for FormNext 2022...

BAM attend UK-AM Relaunch Event, October 2022

On 5th October 2022, BAM project team members, Jennifer Johns and Kautsar Ramli attended the AM-UK...

Meet BAM’s Summer Intern – Soo-Hwa Kim

Soo-Hwa Kim is investigating the affordances of including machines agents that have memory that...

Meet BAM’s Summer Intern – Owen Peckham

Owen Peckham is investigating the Minimum Viable Information requirements to broker deals between...

DMF @ DCC’22

The DMF attended the tenth International Conference on Design Cognition and Computing (DCC'22) in...

BAM @ CIRP CMS in Lugano, Switzerland

BAM research associates Lorenzo Giunto and Mark Goudswaard are in Lugano this week presenting their...

Meet BAM’s Summer Intern – Muhallab Al Ismaily

Muhallab Al Ismaily is modelling how a Brokered Additive Manufacturing network could have supported...

BAM @ AMSTA 2022

The Brokering Additive Manufacturing research group present at the 16th International KES Conference...

DMF Industry Showcase for The Product Partnership

The DMF lab welcomed The Product Partnership and representatives from the four founding companies:...

The International Design Engineering Annual (IDEA) Challenge 2022

The second iteration of the IDEA challenge took place in April 2022 featuring teams from Blekinge...

Improving mixed-reality prototyping through a classification and characterisation of fidelity

Improving mixed-reality prototyping through a classification and characterisation of fidelity...


The Brokering Additive Manufacturing (BAM) team visit and present at TCT 3SXTY in Birmingham...

Virtually-hosted hackathons for design research

This video was originally presented at the Design Conference 2022 and provides an overview and...

The DMF go to Design 2022!

This week the whole DMF gave a strong showing at one of our very favourite conference series –...

Characterising UK Additive Manufacturing survey is now live!

The Brokering Addtive Manufacturing team are looking for AM industry members to contribute in their...

BAM attend advanced engineering conference, MACH 2022

n April, BAM project members Jennifer Johns and Kautsar Ramli attended MACH Conference 2022 at the...

Living Lab Shakedown

Last week, we put the living lab through is paces through a shakedown test. Four ultimakers were...

Presenting at CIRP CMS 2022

We are delighted to announce that the DMF lab will be attending and presenting research at the 55th...

Securing a distributed agent-based manufacturing platform.

The BAM team discuss the architecture of their Living Lab agent-based additive manufacturing...

Injection Moulding Plastic LFD Cases with Recycled Facemasks

In a recent announcement from the Department of Health and Social Care Health Minister Edward Argar...

Presenting at CAD’22

We are delighted to announce that the DMF lab will be attending and presenting research the 19th...

3D Printing through the Web Browser

We're building the capability for anyone to connect to our Brokering Additive Manufacturing...

Presenting at AMSTA 2022

We are delighted to announce that the DMF lab will be attending and presenting our research at the...

Presenting at DESIGN 2022

We are delighted to announce that the DMF lab will be attending and presenting our research at the...

The DMF Lab partners Malvern Panalytical to support Continuous Improvement and Systems Engineering

Throughout 2021 members of the DMF team (Prof Hicks, Dr Snider and Dr Goudswaard) have been working...

A year of Project Clean Access …..

Project Clean Access – funded by The Royal Academy of Engineering has now finished. Given this...

Researching Additive Manufacturing

The aims of the Brokering Additive Manufacturing project are to develop an agent-based distributed...

DMF research features in the Develop3D magazine

The lab and some of its research featured in the Dec/Jan 2021/22 issue of Develop3D Magazine –...

PCA toolkit V3

Version 3 of the PCA toolkit is shown in the picture below. It contains a number of updates with new...

Typescript Client for the Ultimaker API

We have created a Typescript client for the Ultimaker API...

BAM Promotional Video and Blog

We have been working with our marketing team at the University to provide some new content and...

UoB engineering students learn how to develop Digital Twins for products and production facilities

Two groups of final year Mechanical Engineering students at the University of Bristol spent the...

The democratisation of design and new paradigms for global manufacture

Last week I gave a talk for La Universidad de Los Andes (Uniandes) in Bogota about the...

The Machines are Talking!

The team have been in full flow following the Brokering Additive Manufacturing meeting and created...

Coupling Remanufacture with Generative Design

With the development of tools and methodologies for remanufacture becoming more prominent in the...

Game Engines for Research

Over the summer, we employed some of our undergraduate engineering students to help out with...

Technical Debt – No Time To Pay

In recent years there has been a lot of talk about technical debt in various fields. Technical debt...

DETI EC5.1 – Digital Thread: Phase Two Report Released

The second of three reports as part of EC5.1 has been released by DETI and concerns the reported...

Facemask to Filament: 3D Printing with Recycled Facemasks

Photography courtesy of Peter Rosso As a first line of defence against the spread of COVID-19 the...

BAM Kicks-Off!

Brokering Additive Manufacturing officially started today (1st October 2021) with the team meeting...


Jennifer Johns is attending TCT this week to discuss AM and the opportunities for a networking and...

EEG Internship in the DMF lab

Written by Adam McGlenaghan Throughout the summer, I have been completing an internship with the DMF...

Demystifying Digital “X” – ICED Conference Paper

The DMF lab recently (remotely) attended the International Conference of Engineering Design (ICED)...

Revisiting prototyping in 2020: A snapshot of practice in UK Design Companies

Prototyping is an indispensable activity in the product development process but what does...

Comparison of digitisation methods: photogrammetry and structured light scanning

What are the differences in performance and usability of digitisation techniques?  In this video we...

The IDEA Challenge 2021

The IDEA (International Design Engineering Annual) Challenge just completed its first iteration!...

How are prototypes fungible?

Prototyping constitutes a wide range of methods spanning both physical and digital domains, each...


Brokering Additive Manufacturing has published and presented their second paper entitled “Achieving...

Quantum Computing @ ICED21

The Design Manufacturing Futures Lab has published and presented its first paper entitled "Quantum...

Capturing Perceptions of Shape and Form using Machine Learning @ ICED21

The Design Manufacturing Futures Lab has published and presented a paper entitled "Capturing...

Research internship investigating BCI applications in engineering design

Written by Louise Larsson Summary of project and intended outcomes In my individual research project...

To twin or not twin and when is a twin not a twin?

Ben and James attended the Southwest Infrastructure Partnership (SWIP) workshop on Digital Twins to...

BAM in Metal AM

Jennifer Johns has written an article discussing to the potential of distributed manufacturing for...

Welcoming our Summer Interns

On Monday we officially welcomed a cohort of five summer interns to the DMF lab. These include...

Augmented Prototyping – Reconfigurable, functional interfaces for real-time user customisation

How can your users understand how a product will work before it’s been made? How can they...

BAM @ MESIC 2021

Brokering Additive Manufacturing has published and presented its first paper entitled "Responding to...

PCA Toolkit V2

Version 2 of the PCA toolkit is shown in the picture below. It contains a number of updates with new...

Mask Design @ La Universidad de Los Andes

From August to December 2020 the PCA team were working in collaboration with la Universidad de Los...

Vaccine Distribution Solutions in collaboration with La Universidad de Los Andes

The Project Clean Access team are working in collaboration with La Universidad de Los Andes in...

Mechanical occupancy counter – 3D printed

Limiting the number of people inside a shop or venue can help to maintain social distancing. This 3D...

Ultrasonic occupancy counter with Arduino and HC-SR04

Limiting the number of people inside a shop or venue can help to maintain social distancing. This...

PCA Toolkit V1

Version 1 of the PCA toolkit is shown in the picture below. It contains a first set of products and...

DETI EC5.1 – Digital Thread: Phase One Report Released

The first of three reports as part of EC5.1 has been released by DETI and concerns the definition of...

PCA in Teaching: Empowering the public with Lego-based solutions to real problems

Through the winter semester this year 2nd year students at the University have completed PCA...

New Publication in PLOS ONE – 3D Printing Negligible-cost Microfluidics

Negligible-cost microfluidic device fabrication using 3D-printed interconnecting channel scaffolds...

PCA Interaction Design @ La Tadeo – Challenge 3

The Product Design department at the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano have been running...

DCC 2020 – Poster Presentation (Presented by 8-bit Harry!)

Harry today presented his poster titled “Investigating strategies for mass property...

Android app coming soon!

An exciting project that we’ve been working on will release in the next few weeks. Similar to...

Voice Loudness Monitor – Instructable

A paper from 2019 found that speaking with a louder voice creates more aerosolised viral particles...

PCA Interaction Design @ La Tadeo – Challenge 2

The Product Design department at the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano have been running...

Design 2020

We would like to thank the organisers of Design 2020 for a fantastic virtual conference, with four...

The Workshop App goes live for alpha testing

The Workshop is a job scheduling tool for coordinating manufacturing in areas such as university...

PCA Interaction Design @ La Tadeo

The Product Design department at the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano have been running...

SARS-Cov-2 Transmission Literature Review

Project Clean Access is about providing scientifically backed solutions to help create a safer...

MicroTAS 2020 – Paper

We've had an extended abstract published and poster presented at MicroTAS 2020 that demonstrates a...

Material Extrusion: An Introduction

Harry has put together a video introducing material extrusion at a beginner level as part of Project...

Project Clean Access has been funded!

We’re pleased to say we’ve been funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering and are now...

New Clean Access Challenges Open!

Today we have opened four new clean access challenges that are open for submissions now: Clean...

Clean Access Challenge 6: Shared Toilets

Problem As our schools, universities, offices and workplaces are adapted to life with coronavirus...

Design 2020 Papers Published

The DMF lab has had three papers published today in the proceedings of Design 2020. Though the...

CAD Variability: an overview.

I have been working on justifying the need for refactoring in CAD models. The results of this...

New journal paper: Model-Based Information Navigation for Engineering Documents

I’ve finally gotten around to publishing my PhD work in the Computers in Industry journal:...

Project Clean Access Launches

Project Clean Access has offcially launched on the DMF website. Please head over to the Project...

Clean Access Challenge 2: Rural Gates and Stiles

Problem A well-known piece of countryside etiquette is to take nothing but photos and leave nothing...

The T-Pen

The T-Pen design features a dongle with a "T" shaped head that allows the user to apply force in 3...

The USB-Pen Interface

Building on the USB interface, the design can be extended to also allow a pen (standard biro) or...

The Upcycled USB

A simple adapter has been developed, that can be rapdily printed using FFF and SLA technologies, to...

Rapid Manufacturing: open-source prototype low cost emergency ventilator

In recent weeks the fight against Covid-19 has seen both an exponential demand for key medical...

MHRA Requirements Document

We have put together a document summarising the MHRA minimum useful specification for an emergency...

Poster accepted: Design Computing and Cognition

Harry has had a poster accepted to DCC 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia for the end of June. The work...

New Publication Alert! Characterising the Digital Twin: A systematic literature review

Some of the work undertaken as part of the protoTwinning project involved an in depth understanding...

NTNU Troll Labs Visit

We started March 2020 with a quick visit the guys at Troll Labs at the Norwegian University of...

Mass property mapping: first paper accepted – Design 2020

Harry’s first paper has been accepted to Design 2020! Titled “Looks like but does it...

DMF Lab Open Day

On December 18th the DMF Lab hosted its first Open Day where we showcased our latest suite of design...

DMF Lab visit Universidad de Los Andes in Bogota

In November Ben visited Universidad de Los Andes in Bogota to build on existing links between the...

Lee takes CityBlocks to the Bristol Housing Festival

Building on the success of last year, Lee has rolled out the next generation of CityBlocks at the...

TCT Show 2019

On 24th and 25th September 2019, Harry went to the TCT show in Birmigham to see the latest products...

City Blocks at Build: London

City Blocks was delighted to be invited to Build London, hosted jointly by Royal Institute of...

DMF Lab at CIRP 2019 – 69th General Assembly, Birmingham

The DMF Lab are at the CIRP GA 2019 in Birmingham this week, exhibiting what we do and who we are. Dr...

ICED 2019, Delft

Five of the team (Chris, David, Harry, Lee and Mark) attended ICED2019 at TU Delft, Delft...

Autodesk San Francisco Education Visit

This week Chris and I have been in San Francisco visiting the Autodesk headquarters. Representatives...

City Blocks at AVR19

City Blocks is back on the road, this time stopping at AVR Salento, Italy. A study into engaging...

ProtoTwinning at Connected Everything 2019

We’ve just gotten back from the excellent Connected Everything 2019 conference hosted by the...

Anarchic Manufacturing at CMS and FAIM 2019

Anarchic manufacturing has been published and presented at two conferences this month, visiting...

AU London 2019

Interesting two days at Autodesk’s Partners conference in London for Ben and Chris – even had...

Design Studies Journal Article for Hybrid Prototyping

Hybrid Prototyping’s first journal paper has been published in Design Studies, Vol 62. It...

DMF Lab hosts Prof Larry Mallak from WMU

The Lab hosted Prof Larry Mallak – Professor of Industrial and Entrepreneurial Engineering and...

City Blocks at IEEEVR 2019

During the successful pilot of City Blocks at Bristol Housing Festival, 149 unique cities were...

Our New Digital Manufacturing Lab is Open!

Our new Digital Manufacturing lab is officially open! Contained within the Queen’s Building at...

ProtoTwinning project holds its inaugral steering committee meeting

On Friday March 22nd the ProtoTwinning project (Full title – Improving the product development...

Visit to NTNU TrollLabs

As well as being the opponent for a PhD defence in Trondheim Ben also visited the TrollLAB in the...

DMF Lab’s research contributes to an FM Technology award for Altuity

One of our long standing partners has won an i-FM Technology award for Innovation – Altuity...

DMF Lab visiting research partners in Colombia

In December I visited current and potential research partners in Colombia.  The main purpose of the...

DMF Lab at the Transdisciplinary Engineering Conference in Modena

Earlier this month Prof Aydin Nassehi and Mark Goudswaard travelled to Modena in Italy for the 25th...

DMF Lab on tour in the US

Following a number of successful UK events and meetings, Prof Hicks visited Autodesk, Apple and...

DMF Lab @ Autodesk’s AU London event

The DMF Lab were invited to exhibit our ‘Design By: X’ and ‘Make By:X’ tools and technologies at...

Annual Writing Retreat

Next week the DaMF lab shall be conducting its annual writing retreat, with 12 members of the lab...